As I watch football weekly, I can't help but find myself absolutely despising players. There's a few players out there who just bust my hump. They've got attitude, and they've got swagger, and they're constantly annoying me with their antics, and often times handle bar moustaches. Here's a list of my top 5 hated guys in the NFL.
1. Jared Allen - Kansas City Cheifs
This guy starts in the bad books, as he's a Cheif. This guy thinks he's absolutely amazing, and owns San Diego's O-line everytime they play. That's a good enough reason to hate him without seeing this picture.
2. Dallas Clark - Indianapolis Colts

You might know this queer for his antics on the field, and his TD catch against the Steelers last year. Basically, he's the epitomy of a coat tail rider. He sucks. And look at that awful facial hair.
3. Jerry Porter - Oakland Raiders

Does anyone remember when Jerry Porter was good? No. So Porter shut your pie hole, remember that your NOT T.O., and be grateful you have a job, and that your not a crack dealer in Harlem like your cousin Jabril.
4. Eli Manning - New York Giants
This peice of white trash had the audacity to walk away from the Chargers and demand a trade to the Giants. To the GIANTS of all teams. What a flaming homosexual. (Side note: This picure was titled "Eli Manning is a douche". Couldn't have named it better myself.)
5. Micheal Irvin - ESPN Sports
Remember the good ol' days Mike, when a it was fine for a nigga to carry a few grams of Coke with em? Yeah me too. Sure would have been nice if you didn't caught hey? Have you ever watched this guy on the ESPN pre-game shows Sunday? I've never found someone so unentertaining, and so uneducated all at the same time. He should be taken behind a local barn and whooped with leather belt.
That's all I've got.
Leafs SUCK
1. Jared Allen - Kansas City Cheifs

2. Dallas Clark - Indianapolis Colts

You might know this queer for his antics on the field, and his TD catch against the Steelers last year. Basically, he's the epitomy of a coat tail rider. He sucks. And look at that awful facial hair.
3. Jerry Porter - Oakland Raiders

Does anyone remember when Jerry Porter was good? No. So Porter shut your pie hole, remember that your NOT T.O., and be grateful you have a job, and that your not a crack dealer in Harlem like your cousin Jabril.
4. Eli Manning - New York Giants

5. Micheal Irvin - ESPN Sports

That's all I've got.
Leafs SUCK
Wow.... the detail and energy you place in your blog... I can't say the same for my blog, that's for sure!
at least he has facial hair... more than some guys I know...
I can't beleive more people havent commented about the quality of pics on this post. I thought that was a blog treasure.
that is some quality shots there... they truly grasp the image of god awful players!
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